【同义词辨析】 2018-09-29 珍视appreciate-cherish

appreciate: often connotes understanding sufficient to allow enjoyment or admiration of a thing's excellence: ~s fine wine.

value: implies rating a thing highly for its intrinsic worth: ~ our friendship.  (rate在一个范围内评定,如在15范围内打分)

prize: implies taking a deep pride in or setting great score by something one possesses: all people ~ their freedom.    to set score: 打分

treasure: emphasizes jealousy safeguarding something considered precious: ~ the mementos of her youth.   jealousy嫉妒,愤恨别人拥有,希望别人损失,a friendship destroyed byjealousy嫉妒毁掉了他们的友谊)

cherish: implies a special love and care for an object of attachment: ~ed her children above all.

appreciate欣赏: 表示理解某物,能享受和赞赏其优秀,value高度评价: 认为有价值,prize骄傲自豪: 为自己拥有的感到骄傲自豪,treasure珍视: 保护珍贵的东西,像怕被人嫉妒抢走一样,cherish关爱: 关心爱护自己所牵挂的东西。

记忆方法: 1)首字母AVPTC想成Very Precious CAT非常珍贵的猫<==珍视

        2)珍视的意思是高度评价mean to hold in high estimation.